Medical billing errors patient rights

Medical billing errors patient rights

Medical billing errors patient right is a crucial aspect of today’s complex healthcare landscape, ensuring that healthcare providers get proper compensation for the services they provide, and the patients get accurate statements of charges. However, amidst the intricacies of billing, errors often arise at various stages of the process that not only lead to financial strains for patients but also cause administrative headaches for providers.

As a patient, it is important to know your rights to navigate the system effectively and ensure fair and transparent billing practices. Here, we will look into some of the most common medical billing errors and your rights as a patient.

How Much Do Medical Billing Errors Cost Consumers?

According to a study conducted in 2023, medical billing errors in the U. S cost patients $935 million weekly. Studies show that around 80% of medical bills are erroneous, with |typos being the main culprit. Around 63% of these errors occur due to hospital coding mistakes while inaccuracies in clinical documentation account for 44% of these errors.

Common Errors in Medical Billing

Here are some common medical billing errors that can be prevented if detected at the right time.

Incorrect Information

There is no room for negligence in medical billing. Every step requires meticulous attention for optimum accuracy. Even a misspelled name can have far reaching consequences. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you cross-check the patient’s data at all steps. Additionally, such mistakes will make it challenging to deal with the insurance companies.

Balance Billing

Balance billing is the outstanding amount that a patient has to pay once the insurance company pays for the services they use. The error usually occurs when a patient receives services outside of their out-of-network healthcare provider.


Upcoding is one of the most common types of medical error in which patients are charged for an expensive medical service or treatment than they originally used. The error usually occurs when the biller is not experienced enough, however, it may also be done  intentionally. The treatment may also lead to higher out-of-pocket expenses for patients when they are responsible for co-payments or deductibles based on inflated charges.


Unbundling is yet another common billing error that occurs when the patient is charged separately for a treatment or procedure that falls under one billing code. For example, a procedure that includes both a surgical procedure and related diagnostic tests may be unbundled, with each services billed separately to maximize reimbursement.  When this happens, your medical can drastically skyrocket.

Duplicate Billing:

Duplicate billing occurs when a patient is billed twice or more times during a single visit or across different providers. The errors may occur due to unintentional errors, intentional fraud, or system glitches. The practice can not only inflate healthcare costs for patients but also the affect the provider-payer relationship.

Bills for Surgeries

The calculation of medical bills for surgeries must be based on how long the patient was in the operating room or under anesthesia. However, intentionally or unintentionally, medical billers incorrectly calculate the costs of the operating room and anesthesia time during surgeries. Inputting wrong information into the system results in an incorrect bill.

Medical Billing Errors Patient Rights

The patients should know their rights to advocate for themselves when receiving a treatment and address billing discrepancies effectively.

Right to an Itemized Bill:

Patients are entitled to get an itemized bill that outlines all services they consumed and the corresponding costs. It is important to carefully review this bill to identify and address any inaccuracies.

Right to Explanation of Charges

Medical billing errors patient rights t to seek a clear explanation of all charges on their medical bills. It helps them understand the purpose of even the minor charges and why they were incurred.

Right to Appeal

If an insurance company denies the insurance, patients have the right to appeal the decision. 

Right to Dispute Errors

Patients can dispute the errors found on their medical bills by reaching out to their healthcare provider or their insurance company to address the issue.

Right to Financial Assistance:

Patients who are not able to afford their bills have the right to collect information about financial assistance programs offered by healthcare providers.

Final Words

Whether it’s patients or the healthcare provider, medical billing errors patient rights is a critical step in any practice for everyone. The consequences of inaccurate billing haunt both the patients and healthcare providers alike. Healthcare providers need to uphold integrity in their billing practices and maintain trust within the healthcare ecosystem.