Internal Medicine Billing

Internists are often responsible for diagnosing and treating undifferentiated symptoms of 20-30 patients each working day, which requires them to have access to up-to-date patient’s information, lab results, and imaging at any given moment.

Wise Medical Billing Specialties

Internal Medicine Billing and Revenue Cycle Management Service

Billing practices in internal medicine often include patients from family medicine and general medicine. Consequently, it can receive one of the greatest numbers of patients in a given week. Patients may present for a variety of reasons, resulting in billing and coding issues arising constantly. In addition to the wide array of diagnoses that must be coded, it is likely that minor procedures and prescriptions will also need to be coded.

Challenges Faced by Internal Medicine Providers:

Despite the fact that every area of medicine presents its own challenges, we have found that the following are the most common issues for practices in internal medicine.

Coding Errors:

Due to its low-paying specialty and insurers' tendency to reduce allowable billing amounts for so many of the more common services performed when seeing general medicine patients, internal medicine billing services and revenue cycle losses are particularly significant due to medical billing and coding errors. Medical coding is a complex field, and with all the internal medicine billing codes that an internal medicine office must deal with, it is no wonder that an in-house billing and coding staff has difficulty keeping up. Moreover, unintentional under- and over-coding contribute to many problems associated with compliance charting and coding.

Front Office Challenges:

Considering the large number of routine and non-routine activities that occur regularly, scheduling, rescheduling, and annual scheduling require additional staff time. It is also necessary to consider seasonal items such as regular vaccines and annual flu shots as part of the office staff and coder's responsibilities.

Patient Coverage Issues:

As opposed to other specialties in which patients are seen repeatedly over an extended period of time, internal medicine sees a wide variety of patients who present with everything from food poisoning to sprained wrists. As a result, billing may have to be performed on many of these cases to arrange payments or collect the debt. Although many of these cases require immediate attention, it is possible that the patient does not have the financial resources to pay for their portion of the costs.

How WMB helps Internists Overcome Challenges

The focus of a medical practice should be on taking care of patients, rather than on billing and collection. All of this can be taken care of by Wise Medical Billing, from scheduling to coding and billing to managing rejections and denials. We can also assist with bill collection, if needed.
Internal Medicine Specific Software:
With our proprietary EMR/EHR software, we provide easy and fast charting using internal medicine-specific templates, order sets for all facets of internal medicine, from general physical exams to chronic disease management.A physician's revenue cycleprocess is automated by documenting, setting treatment goals and coding, and providing easy access to patient records from anywhere.
Expert WMB Billers and Coders:
Coders and billers at WMB are certified and experienced in the internal medicine specialty, and our proprietary software automates coding processes and prevents errors. Dealing with rejections and denials is one of the most costly aspects of internal medicine billing and revenue cycle management.
Clean Claims Submission:
WMB with the combination of its experienced medical billers and technology makes sure that each and every claim gets scrubbed manually and electronically both before it is submitted. WMB will make sure that there is no error, mistake or missing information to keep claims submission accurate and efficient.
Fast and Easy Access to Customer Support:
WMB understands the importance of fast and easy communication between the client and billing company. Our round the clock experienced and professional Customer support team makes sure that there is no lag in communication. A dedicated Support person is always available to take your calls, respond via email and text message.
Front Desk Scheduling and Data Entry Service:
Wise Medical Billing (WMB) provide dedicated and experienced Front Desk staff with dedicated phone line to schedule patient appointments, verify and updated demographic and patient insurance information, help patients in completing consent and practice intake forms and entering details in EMR/EHR software against each patient record by maintaining and following PHI and HIPAA laws.
WMB Manages the entire Revenue Cycle of Internal Medicine Practice

It is our mission to stay up-to-date on all the latest internal medicine billing guidelines so that practitioners can focus on their practice rather than worrying about payers or bills

Ready to Talk?

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