Boost Patient Satisfaction with WMB's HIPAA-compliant billing and management services

With the help of our dedicated team of front office billing and management services specialists, you will have a measurable impact on the day-to-day operation of your office and improve customer satisfaction.
We provide full front desk support for healthcare providers, including all necessary tasks related to managing administrative tasks.

Speak to us Today For Free Billing Analysis

Insurance Eligibility and Verification of Benefits:

Each year, professionals lose billions of dollars in revenue due to unpaid claims. Failure to verify insurance coverage in advance is one of the leading causes of claim denials and lost profits at healthcare facilities across the country. With our billing management professional research staff, we determine coverage that patients don't even know exists and obtain all possible compensation for our clients..

With our advanced coverage detection tools, our teams eliminate false alarms and nuisances.

Benefits of using WMB as your Coverage Discovery billing and management services Newark are but not limited to:

Prior- Authorization

The authorization or pre-approval process of an insurer for a medical billing and management benefit is very important in controlling health care costs. Like detailed, real-time policy adequacy checks, policy approval plays a critical role in managing the revenue cycle. In fact, most denials occur when a patient is not eligible for services covered by the provider.

Depending on the patient's insurance information and the provider's agreement with the insurance company, the lack of pre-approval may result in fewer reimbursements or benefits for the patient. Services that do not require pre-approval may be subject to monitoring. It can be difficult to know which insurance companies require pre-authorization, but our experienced and professional pre-authorization team will help you navigate the pre-authorization web efficiently.
Common Procedures That Require Preauthorization

Many insurers require patients to obtain referrals from a primary care physician before seeing a specialist. Hospital admissions that don’t come through the emergency department often require preauthorization by insurers. Additionally, imaging studies like MRIs and CT scans often require preauthorization or something called “prenotification,” which is more involved than a referral, but less onerous than a pre-authorization. These processes result in an authorization number that providers must use on claims submitted for payment.

Providers have different policies about what they do when a patient doesn’t have a referral, preauthorization, or prenotification. Some providers postpone treatment until proper authorizations are obtained, while others may go ahead with a procedure and try to retroactively get authorization.

The Key to a Smooth Preauthorization Process

The best way to smooth the preauthorization process is for medical billing personnel to be prepared with the correct CPT code for the anticipated services. Of course, it’s not always possible to determine the exact CPT code before a service has been provided. Communication with the physician is essential so you can learn what procedures he or she anticipates performing. It’s best to learn all possibilities rather than risking that a procedure will be performed without preauthorization. In other words, it’s better to authorize treatment that ultimately isn’t given than to perform a procedure without preauthorization and risk not being reimbursed. 

In an emergency situation, patient coverage may not be known before the physician encounter. In these situations, providers are required to contact the insurer as soon as possible after the fact to obtain any necessary authorization.

What Can Happen if You Don't Get Necessary Preauthorization?

When services are provided without expected preauthorization, what happens next depends on the insurer and the specific policy under which the patient is covered. Some insurance plans state that if a patient seeks services requiring preauthorization, but doesn’t obtain preauthorization, the patient is liable for covering the payment. If a provider neglects to obtain preauthorization and payment is denied by the insurer, it may come down to absorbing the cost of the treatment or trying to collect it directly from the patient, neither of which are good options.

The burden of obtaining pre-authorizations is on the provider because patients don’t know CPT codes and may not know when preauthorization is (or might be) required. Double-checking up front whether preauthorization is required may take some extra time on the front end, but with WMB teams of experts, it can save significant time trying to chase down claims and payments and prevent having to absorb costs for procedures that weren’t preauthorized.

Benefits of using WMB Prior-Authorization Services:

Pre-approval processing can typically take several days, but a proactive team like WMB can help reduce the time it takes to obtain and process pre-approval.

With WMB (Wise Medical Billing) Team,

Front Desk Scheduling and Data Entry Service

Wise Medical Billing (WMB) provide dedicated and experienced Front Desk staff with dedicated phone line to schedule patient appointments, verify and updated demographic and patient insurance information, help patients in completing consent and practice intake forms and entering details in EMR/EHR software against each patient record by maintaining and following PHI and HIPAA laws.

Scheduling and Data Entry Medical Billing and Management Service

We provide dedicated and experienced Front Desk staff with dedicated phone line to schedule patient appointments, verify and updated demographic and patient insurance information, help patients in completing consent and practice intake forms and entering details in EMR/EHR software against each patient record by maintaining and following PHI and HIPAA laws.

You can get:

Please do not hesitate to contact us today for a quick call consultation or a demonstration of our medical billing and management services.

1-(888) 816-6676

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