Pain Management Medical Billing

A physician’s primary objective is to improve the quality of life for those living with pain, which is why the patient experience is so critical to you. This is why patient experience management is one of the core components of our service, allowing us to provide a higher level of service and flexibility for practices like yours.


Pain Management Billing and Coding Issues

Despite the fact that pain management specialists deal with patients who are suffering, and they understand the importance of treating them, payers are typically extremely critical of billing for pain treatment when the underlying cause cannot be verified by x-ray or diagnosed by a disease. Many physicians have refused to practice pain management as a result of recent regulations that have increased scrutiny of medications used for pain and penalties for misuse.

In light of these challenges, it becomes even more imperative that practitioners are not burdened by pain management billing issues. The medical community is experiencing cost reduction and payers are looking for ways to reduce their payments. This includes careful attention to billing and coding errors, which result in claims being rejected.

Claim Rejection and Denial Management

Claims are often rejected or denied due to the tiniest errors. Each letter must match the patient's record exactly. Payers will not even attempt to determine what is meant if there is a discrepancy between the two. In pain management billing and RCM, every aspect of patient care is accounted for, from patient intake information to payment collection. As a result, there is a great deal of room for error in entering the correct information.

Increased financial responsibility of patients

TransUnion Healthcare conducted an analysis in 2017 which found an increase of up to 11% in the costs of healthcare providers for patients. It is more critical than ever to fully inform patients about their>financial responsibility prior to treatment due to rapidly increasing patient costs. In addition to increasing costs, pain management practices are having difficulty collecting their dues.

Wise Medical Billing Solution to Challenges faced by Pain Management Providers

By providing end to end revenue cycle management (RCM) services, Wise Medical Billing allows physicians and staff in pain management to devote their attention to patients, knowing that the necessary billing and coding functions are being handled. There are a number of services that are included in the scope of pain management billing, including payroll costs, revenue increments, and ensuring compliance, among others.


Clean Claims Submission

WMB with the combination of its experienced medical billers and technology makes sure that each and every claim gets scrubbed manually and electronically both before it is submitted. WMB will make sure that there is no error, mistake or missing information to keep claims submission accurate and efficient.

Timely Filing

Most of the time revenue losses happens because of not submitting claims in a timely manner. With so much going on in the medical practice, in-house staff finds it challenging to handle large pilling volume of claims and getting it submitted in a timely manner. Outsourcing medical billing to WMB with its teams of professionals gets every claim filed within 24 hours of its receipt. With the blend of experts and technology, We verify, collect, correct every claim to speed up the submission process. The shorter the submission process, the faster is the reimbursement.

24/7 Customer Support

WMB understands the importance of fast and easy communication between the client and billing company. Our round the clock experienced and professional Customer support team makes sure that there is no lag in communication. A dedicated Support person is always available to take your calls, respond via email and text message.

Expert Coder

With vigorous changes happening in the medical billing guidelines by CMS/AMA/AAPC/ACA, our billing and coding services actively keep themselves up to date to handle these challenges. Following up on unpaid or partially paid claims regularly, handling rejections, filling appeals on insurance denials by following the billing guidelines, we go after every single dollar.

AR Management

WMB pride itself in successfully pursuing the difficult task of getting our clients paid on old and Aging AR. We believe that our Client deserves every single dollar against the services they provide, with our aggressive AR management system and professional AR team, we go after those old and aging claims that our clients have lost hope of collecting.

Ready to Talk?

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Improve efficiency, reduce cost and Increase revenue with WMB end-to-end Medical Billing Service

1-(888) 816-6676

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